Friday, 25 January 2013

Day 23: Fussy Eaters

Day 23: Wednesday 23rd January 2013

Wednesday's Menu
Breakfast: Porridge with water, sugar and banana
Lunch: Cup a Soup and half a portion of defrosted frozen fruit
Dinner: Veggie Scrambled eggs (made with one egg and a portion of frozen veg) with homemade chips (Made with 4 small potatoes)

I had another positive challenge day. I was fairly satisfied with my meals and have just got on with the challenge today. I had my last banana today. That's it, no more fresh fruit until the third of February. I didn't save for later on in the week as I hate over ripe bananas and so didn't want end up wasting it when it went all gross, over ripe and black (my old housemates will tell you how dramatic I am about black bananas - I think they are just so disgusting). I am not a fussy eater in any way, except I have this thing about fruit having to be a certain level of ripeness or it simply grosses me out. I know that this is is more than a bit ridiculous really. There are billions of people who would think it was such a luxury to have fruit no matter how ripe it is. I should be thankful for all food I have and not reject something because it looks or feels a certain way.

We have grown up in a society where food is so readily available to us that we have the luxury of being able to be fussy with what we eat and not think much about it. If a piece of fruit isn't to our standard, there isn't much stopping us throwing it in the bin/compost and popping down to the shops and buying something more fresh. If there is a food group we don't like we can completely avoid it and still have our fill with some of the thousands of other options available to us in the supermarket. We know that if we are fussy with what we eat we still won't go to bed hungry. Leaving food on a plate because we don't like it, is a possibly for us. It may be a bit rude but it won't leave us starving. The western world has become so particular about the quality of food we expect, that we have lost site of how lucky we are to have had the option to expect quality at all.

We are so lucky to have this luxury. I imagine for a lot of people living in extreme poverty, leaving food on your plate because you don't like the texture or the taste is unthinkable. You eat what you can. The choice between taste and increased hunger is not a hard one. I'm sure if they could see how fussy we all are they would think us extremely ungrateful. Which we are. The idea that our supermarkets reject product because it doesn't look right must seem mad. Even when we aren't being fussy with our food we still have so much food available to us that we can't actually eat it all before it spoils. There are billions of people who live in extreme poverty who can barely afford to feed themselves, who go to bed hungry every night, and we have literally a sea of food available to us.

The level of inconsistency between what we have and what they have is tragic and completely unacceptable. It saddens me so much that billions of people don't have so many of the luxuries we take for granted. I'm not saying we can't be fussy that would be unrealistic and pointless but we shouldn't let our fussiness lead to waste, or acknowledge how lucky we are to have the option to eat fussily without going hungry. I know this month probably won't have cured my fussiness with fruit but I hope I will remember in future not let it it be a trigger for me to waste food anymore.

If you would like to sponsor me for the month please click here to be taken straight to my Just Giving Page.

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